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El Dabe Ritter Trial Lawyers | Personal Injury Blog

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Top Reviewed Lawyer in Los Angeles by Results and Service

“Edmond El Dabe is the best attorney I know. His law firm represented me in a complicated personal injury case. He was aggressive, kind, honest, understanding, and very fair with me. His staff kept me informed at all times about what was going on with my case. I would highly recommend him to anyone who needs a good lawyer. Thanks so very much to Edmond El Dabe Law and his staff.”

Phyllis W., Laguna Beach, CA

Pre-existing conditions and your personal injury claim.

Can a Pre-existing Condition Affect My Accident Claim?

If you’ve been injured in an accident and already have a health condition, you may worry it will hurt your case. Insurance companies often use pre-existing conditions as an excuse to pay less. However, California law protects your right to fair compensation, even if you have previous injuries or health issues. How Insurance Companies View …

Headache after Car Accident – Why Isn’t It Going Away?

Why Isn’t My Headache Going Away After A Car Accident?

After an auto accident, it’s not uncommon to experience lingering headaches—even if you didn’t hit your head. The impact and stress from a collision can leave lasting effects on your body, and headaches are one of the most common symptoms people face afterward. For some, these headaches are mild and go away quickly. For others, …

personal injury lawyer Huntington Beach

What to do After a Car Accident When You are Not At Fault

When you’re in a car accident, it can be shocking—especially if you weren’t at fault. Many people think that if they didn’t cause the accident, they won’t have much to worry about. Unfortunately, even if you’re innocent, dealing with the consequences of an accident is not always easy. This is because insurance companies don’t always …

downtown la at night

What is Considered Reckless Driving in Los Angeles, Calif.?

Reckless driving is a traffic violation where the driver drives in disregard of traffic rules putting himself and others at risk. Reckless drivers are punished by jail time, fines, or more. If you have been in an accident caused by a reckless driver, contact Los Angeles car accident attorneys with El Dabe Ritter Trial Lawyers for …

Can you switch attorneys in California?

How to Switch Personal Injury Lawyers in California

Choosing the right personal injury lawyer for your personal injury case is one of the most important decisions you can make. You want someone who’s knowledgeable, professional, will listen to your concerns and handle your case with care.  But what happens when you’re no longer happy with your attorney and feel like he’s being unresponsive? …

Santa Barbara Personal Injury Lawyers | El dabe Ritter Trial Lawyers

What Happens After a Car Accident Without Insurance in Los Angeles?

Driving without car insurance in Los Angeles, or anywhere for that matter, is not worth the risk. Not being able to show proof of insurance if you get into an accident or are stopped by a law enforcement officer can have consequences — think fines, vehicle impoundment or even jail time. Simply put, it’s essential …